7.3.10 Experiments with Filtering: Vocoders and Pitch Glides

7.3.10 Experiments with Filtering: Vocoders and Pitch Glides


Vocoders were introduced in Section 7.1.8. The implementation of a vocoder is sketched in Algorithm 7.6 and diagrammed in Figure 7.49. The MATLAB and C++ exercises associated with this section encourage you to try your hand at the implementation.

[equation class=”algorithm” caption=”Algorithm 7.6 Sketch of an implementation of a vocoder”]

algorithm vocoder



c, an array of audio samples constituting the carrier signal

m, n array of audio samples constituting the modulator signal


v, the carrier wave modulated with the modulator wave */


Initialize v with 0s

Divide the carrier into octave-separated frequency bands with bandpass filters

Divide the modulator into the same octave-separated frequency bands with bandpass filters for each band

use the modulator as an amplitude envelope for the carrier



Figure 7.49 Overview of vocoder implementation
Figure 7.49 Overview of vocoder implementation

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Another interesting programming exercise is implementation of a pitch glide. A Risset pitch glide is an audio illusion that sounds like a constantly rising pitch. It is the aural equivalent of the visual image of a stripe on a barber pole that seems to be rising constantly. Implementing the pitch glide is suggested as an exercise for this section.

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