5.3.5 Simulating Sampling and Quantization in MATLAB

5.3.5 Simulating Sampling and Quantization in MATLAB

Now that you’ve looked more closely at the process of sampling and quantization in this chapter, you should have a clearer understanding of the MATLAB and C++ examples in Chapters 2 and 3.

[aside]An alternative way to get the points at which samples are taken is this:

f = 440;
sr = 44100;
s = 1;
t = [1:sr*s];
y = sin(2*pi*f*(t/sr*s));

Plugging in the numbers from this example, you get

y = sin(2*pi*440*t/44100);


In MATLAB, you can generate samples from a sine wave of frequency f at a sampling rate r for s seconds in the following way:

f = 440;
sr = 44100;
s = 1;
t = linspace(0,s,sr * s);
y = sin(2*pi*f*t);

We’ve looked at statements like these in Chapter 2, but let’s review. The statement linspace(0, s, sr * s) creates a one-dimensional array (which can also be called a vector) of sr*s values evenly spaced between 0 and s. These are the points at which the samples are to be taken. One statement in MATLAB can cause an operation to be done on every element of a vector. For example, y = sin(2*pi*f*t) takes the sine on each element of t and stores the result in vector y. Since t has 44100 values in it, y does also. In this way, MATLAB simulates the sampling process for a single-frequency sound wave.

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Quantization can also be simulated in MATLAB. Notice that from the above sequence of commands, all the elements of y are between -1 and 1. To quantize these values to a bit depth of b, you can do the following:

b = 8;
sample_max = 2^(b-1)-1;
y_quantized = floor(y*sample_max);

The plot function graphs the result.

plot(t, y);

If we want to zoom in on the first, say, 500 values, we can do so with

plot(t(1:500), y(1:500));

With these basic commands, you can do the suggested exercise linked with this section, which has you experiment with quantization error and dynamic range at various bit depths.